Babel Number 38

Babel No38 (February 2022)

Basic English Frederick Hale on Charles Kay Ogden’s work on an international auxiliary language
What’s in a name? Harry parkin investigates the origins and development of family names in Britain
From stats to style Dan McIntyre and Brian Walker explore the poetry of W. B. Yeats using stylometry and corpus linguistics
Language maintenance or language shift? Teresa Ong discusses language issues affecting Chinese families in Malaysia

Regular features
Language in the news The subtle art of the political apology
Diary of a linguist Katie Wales on the language around us
Giving voice a voice Working out the pronunciation of new words in English
Languages of the world Kashubian
A clash of symbols IP… eh???
Language games Apparently anachronistic attestations
The word hoard Pronunciation and French borrowings
Writing under threat Why scripts don’t die
Kill the joke The collaborative nature of joking
Screentest Sound of Metal
Letters from a linguist The reign of Spain is far from plain
Linguistic horizons From philosophy to neurolinguistics
Reviews John McWhorter’s Nine Nasty Words; Zoran Nikolic’s The Atlas of Unusual Languages