Babel Issue 44

Babel No44 (Autumn 2023)


The language of the gods David Voisin explores the etymology of contemporary words through the gods of antiquity
Names of fish Chris McCully looks at names for the occupants of British and Irish freshwaters
Saving little sis Judit Vari asks whether standardisation helps endangered vernaculars

Regular features

Language in the news Language change, technology and minced oaths
Diary of a linguist Katie Wales on the language all around us
The complete and utter history of English Part 6: We must have standards!
Language games Tonal teasers
Meet the professionals Film director
Giving voice a voice
Fascinating rhythm 1: Get on your feet!
Screentest The Whistlers (2019)
Linguistic horizons Tartan Noir
Languages of the world
Old Irish
Kill the joke
Jokes that work best when read
A clash of symbols g whiz!
Word hoard Women’s words
Ask a linguist Why do we say ‘an historian’?
Letters from a linguist
Going from Aitch to Zed
Reviews Jumping Sharks and Dropping Mics; The 2023 Babel Lecture