Babel Number 47 (Summer 2024)

Babel No47 (Summer 2024)


Social consensus and divine inspiration Peter Hallman looks at Ibn Jinni’s remarks on the origin of language
Language contact and syntactic change Robin Meyer explores how the structures of one language can be influenced by another
Are we nearly there yet? David Crystal explains the reasoning behind his new place-name website, Trace That Place
Identity, learning and… judging Liz Marsden looks at how ‘affinity spaces’ shape what we know and how we talk about it

Regular features

Language in the news Mental health and illness in the news
Letters from a linguist How my mum lighted the way
Analysing the language of poems The subtleties of meaning in a poem by James Nash
Diary of a linguist Katie Wales on the language all around us
Languages of the world Macanese Patua; Kazakh
Meet the professionals Director of Camoes, I.P. – Portuguese Embassy Education
Kill the joke Christmas ‘crackers’
Giving voice a voice Fascinating rhythm 4: More-a than words
A clash of symbols The yod couple
Screentest The Interpreter
Language games Garden paths galore
Linguistic horizons Lexomancy
Reviews Lily Robert-Foley’s Experimental Translation; Peter Trudgill’s The Long Journey of English