Babel No22 (February 2018)

I’d Know that Laugh Anywhere – Elliott Land discusses his stuy of naive speaker identification
South African English – Frederick Hale examines a widely influenced and widely influential variety of English
One Does Not Simply… – Lieven Vandelanotte thinks internet memes are more than a silly pastime
British Teachers and Linguistic Homelessness – Alex Baratte on the practice of accent modification among British teacher trainees

Regular features
Ask a Linguist – Why do we call it the ‘Oxford comma’?
Diary of a Linguist – Katie Wales’ latest linguistic observations about the worls around us
Language Games – Lonely logo letters
Language in the News – If Churchill ‘mobilised the English language’ then Trump is retiring it
Languages of the World – Chris Bissell profiles Breton
The Lingusitic Lexicon – Babel brings you the letter V
Lives in Language – Patrick C Trettenbrein on Eric Heinz Lenneberg; Katie Wales on Randolph Quirk
Meet the Professionals – Babel meets a freelance subtitler
Reviews – Mario Saraceni’s ‘World Englishes’; Gabrielle Hogan-Brun’s ‘Linguanomics’; Charles Yang’s ‘The Price of Linguistic Productivity’; George Yule’s ‘The Study of Language’